Saturday, October 3, 2009

"why" is the key of creativity

Human mind is like an engine which always pushes us towards to new thoughts. Day by day we deal with new thoughts why these thoughts come in our mind? , what will happen if no thought come?
An inventor always starts from seeking idea then go to implementation part so the time duration between both of these two steps is of boiling of our mind at very high temperature . this phenomenon called “brainstorming”. Every time we try to think something new.
Now we need “think jara hatke” , but why?
If we think in one way then chances of getting of good idea will get down because actually no one give his own idea but only supports to each other, so we should think in different zones then we get a feasible idea on which work can be done. So “think jara hatke “is the perception which becomes a reason which create a new idea and when we work on it, it becomes creativity. Whenever we find new domain in terms of information and knowledge, automatically this questions arise ‘why it is so? ’.
The word ‘why ’is key of creativity. There are so many persons who allow their thinking to fly beyond sky limits and try to find some new while many don't allow. Many persons have hidden creativity which is locked inside them and key is also inside but there is need to search that key.Hence, to think creatively, we must be able to look afresh at what we normally take for granted.
“Discovery consists of seeing what everybody has seen and thinking what nobody has thought."


  1. excellent bro,i totally agree wid ur views.this has definitely inspired me to let ma ideas fly in d sky.

  2. awesome thoughts !!! really invigorating...


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