Saturday, March 27, 2010

Give "Earth Hour" for Earth

Non essential lights will be turned off for one hour (Earth Hour) in all over the world, why?

For saving electricity……….

Or reason is something else……….

Yes, this is not for saving electricity but it is for raising the issue of climate change.

This is great initiative is taken by WWF (World Wildlife Foundation) to create awareness about our world’s one of the serious problems that is climate change. Couple of months ago “n” no of countries were gathered to agree to reduce certain amount of carbon emission by them. But the summit didn’t get any positive result but still WWF is committed to solve this problem.

I think that for spreading this thought all over the world this is nice effort of WWF and this is really appreciable.

By this international activity a very common man from a corner of this earth will also at least think what is happening why electricity is turned off for one hour and he will also take interest to know about reason behind it and he will be introduced with concept of climate change.

Around 125 countries is taking participation in this international activity.

So be proud to be a part of this. This is not a time of create darkness but try to find a ray of light which is hidden behind this darkness.

1 comment:

  1. the blog is written very nicely as far sentence structuring and grammar is concerned

    but what i will suggest you is whenever you read any topic don't get emotional about as you always do.
    See why Earth hour is done, is it for some cause or to gain publicity.
    and whether the things as 'climate change' really exists or is it just a fake plot to attract eyeballs and make money.

    give a deep thought on anything around you.
    it can be a disguise in the form of social cause


Kavyanjali on Facebook

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